Inspired by the viral animated bar plot, I plan to implement the idea on NBA standing so that we can have an idea how the teams behavior through out the whole season. special thanks to the two blogs by Michael and Abdul for instructions how to make animated bar plots using R, ggplot2, and package gganimate.

Data Preparation

First we need to load three great R packages:


Package tidyverse is for data manipulation; nbastatR is a great package using NBA Stats API Wrapper; gganimate is to make animated plots.

Get Team Color

Next step, I am going to use the nba_teams() function to get the team information along with their main color.

nba_team = nba_teams()
nba_team %>% 
  filter(isNonNBATeam == 0) %>% 
  select(cityTeam, hexColor1) -> teamcolor
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   cityTeam    hexColor1
##   <chr>       <chr>    
## 1 Washington  #002B5C  
## 2 Utah        #002B5C  
## 3 Toronto     #CE1141  
## 4 San Antonio #C4CED4  
## 5 Sacramento  #5A2D81  
## 6 Portland    #E03A3E

Then make it a named list:

colorlist = as.character(teamcolor$hexColor1)
teamname2 = teamcolor$cityTeam
teamname2 = replace(teamname2, teamname2=='Los Angeles', 'L.A. Lakers')
teamname2 = replace(teamname2, teamname2=='LA', 'LA Clippers')
names(colorlist) = teamname2
##    Washington          Utah       Toronto   San Antonio    Sacramento 
##     "#002B5C"     "#002B5C"     "#CE1141"     "#C4CED4"     "#5A2D81" 
##      Portland       Phoenix  Philadelphia       Orlando Oklahoma City 
##     "#E03A3E"     "#E56020"     "#006BB6"     "#0077C0"     "#007AC1" 
##      New York   New Orleans     Minnesota     Milwaukee         Miami 
##     "#F58426"     "#0C2340"     "#0C2340"     "#00471B"     "#98002E" 
##       Memphis   L.A. Lakers   LA Clippers       Indiana       Houston 
##     "#6189B9"     "#552583"     "#ED174C"     "#FDBB30"     "#CE1141" 
##  Golden State       Detroit        Denver        Dallas     Cleveland 
##     "#FDB927"     "#006BB6"     "#418FDE"     "#00538C"     "#6F263D" 
##       Chicago     Charlotte      Brooklyn        Boston       Atlanta 
##     "#CE1141"     "#00788C"     "#000000"     "#007A33"     "#E03A3E"

Get Standing by Day

Use the function day_scores to pull the standing information by day and wrap up as function:

pull_east_standing = function(date){
  days_scores(game_dates = date, 
              include_standings = T, return_message = F)

pull_west_standing = function(date){
  days_scores(game_dates = date, 
              include_standings = T, return_message = F)

Wrap up and Plot

gif_standing = function(seasonyear, conf){
  # get season info start date and end date
  season = seasons_schedule(seasons = seasonyear)
  datelist = unique(season %>% select(dateGame))
  # get season standing by day
  if (conf == 'East') {
    standing_day = datelist %>% map_dfr(pull_east_standing)
  } else if (conf == 'West') {
    standing_day = datelist %>% map_dfr(pull_west_standing)
  # add rank per day
  standing_day %>% 
    group_by(dateGame) %>% 
    mutate(rank = row_number(),
           wl = str_c(wins, losses, sep = '-')) %>% 
    ungroup() -> final
  # title
  mytitle = str_c(conf, ' Conference Standing, ', seasonyear)
  # gif
  gif = final %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = rank,y = pctWins, group = slugTeam)) +
    geom_tile(aes(y = pctWins/2, height = pctWins, fill = slugTeam), width = 0.9) +
    geom_text(aes(label = slugTeam), hjust = "right", colour = "black", fontface = "bold", nudge_y = -0.02) +
    geom_text(aes(label = wl), hjust = "left", nudge_y = .01, colour = "grey30") +
    coord_flip(clip="off") +
    scale_fill_manual(name = 'Team', values = colorlist) +
    scale_x_reverse("",  breaks = 1:15) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), "Win Rate") +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 8.5) +
    #hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum(plot_title_size = 32, subtitle_size = 24, caption_size = 20, base_size = 20) +
          panel.grid.minor.x=element_blank()) +
    # gganimate code to transition by date:
    transition_time(dateGame) +
    ease_aes('cubic-in-out') +
         subtitle='Date: {round(frame_time,0)}',
         caption='Source: NBA Stat 
         Minzhao Liu')


Make Gif and MP4

gif_2019e = gif_standing(2019, 'East')
gif_2019w = gif_standing(2019, 'West')

animate(gif_2019e, duration = 60, fps = 20,  width = 1200, height = 1000, end_pause = 30,
        renderer = gifski_renderer("gganim_2019e.gif")) 

animate(gif_2019w, duration = 60, fps = 30,  width = 1200, height = 1000, 
        end_pause = 30, renderer = gifski_renderer("gganim_2019w.gif")) 

# For MP4

animate(gif_2019w, duration = 60, fps = 30,  width = 1200, height = 1000, end_pause = 30, 
        renderer = ffmpeg_renderer()) -> for_mp4

anim_save("animation_2019w.mp4", animation = for_mp4 )


View post on


09 May 2019

