excel to latex table
Calc2LaTeX Plug-in for Making LaTeX Tables
It’s really disgusting to make complicated tables when you are typing \(\LaTeX\), here’s one method helping you to get \(\LaTeX\) code for whatever table you want.
The basic idea is to take advantage of those WYSIWYG software like Excel or OpenOffice Spreadsheet. There’s a plug-in called Excel2Latex which could transform your excel table into \(\LaTeX\) code. While for free OpenOffice Spreadsheet, the calc2latex plug-in is quite helpful. By that, you will no longer worry about how to make multicolumn, multirow, all kinds of weird tables in \(\LaTeX\).
Download from this url.
- after installation
- make your table in OpenOffice Spreadsheet
- mark your table and click tools, ‘Macros’ -> ‘run Macro’
- choose ‘My Macros’,-> ‘Calc2LaTeX’ -> ‘Calc2LaTeX’ -> Main -> Run
- choose your setup
- then you could copy the results into your \(\LaTeX\) file. Easy~
28 October 2012