Computing on Mac
Mac for Computing
How to ssh to Mike’s machine
ssh username@mike's address
ssh with X window forwarding
- Install xquartz on both local and remote machine. (I have set up configuration and installed software on Mike’s machine)
in your local mac, change the followingForwardX11 yes
then use ssh -Y
to connect.
How to run R in the background
After you use ssh
to log in Mike’s machine, type
to open a session, which can run in the background. At this time you can even turn down your local laptop, and your remote session is still on.
To fetch your session, next time you log on Mike’s machine, type
screen -r
screen -d -r
you will get what you left last time. Type man screen
for more options of screen
After you open the screen
session, you can run your R code in the background:
R CMD BATCH --no-save --no-restore infile outfile &
See this page for detail.
How to transfer file using scp
scp yourlocalfile username@mike's address:~/Documents
You can specify the remote destination folder as you want.
To get file back
scp username@mike's address:~/yourremotefile yourlocaldirectory
For directory transfer, add -r
scp -r
How to install R package on Mike’s machine
So far, I have trouble with installing R package on Mike’s machine, but I figured out one way, which might not be the perfect, but it works.
When you log on the remote mac machine, download the desired R package from cran or transfer your downloaded R package to Mike’s machine using scp
from your local machine. For example, if I want to install xtable
package, I googled and found this page. Then on Mike’s machine, I type:
curl -O
where the url is the MacOS X Library download address on previous webpage.
R CMD INSTALL xtable_1.7-0.tgz ~/Documents/Rpackages/
where Rpackages
is the folder I make to install R packages. Now you should be able to load R package in R console (library(xtable)
- Emacs
** emacsforosx
** Aquamacs
** Emacs Mac Port: sudo port install appname
** homebrew
** Mactex
- C and Fortran
** Xcode
** gfortran
sudo easy_install pip
check for cpu
top -u -s5 : every 5s check cpu
check cpu usage, ordered by cpu, and list username, cpu, time, which command.
top -o cpu -stats user,cpu,time,command
Standby vs hibernate (deep sleep):
sudo pmset -a standbydelay 42000
Turn off start up sound
sudo nvram SystemAudioVolume=%00
Your .profile
Make ls
alias ls='ls -G'
Make iterm
tab name change automatically
export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}\007"'