
Markdown Notes

  • help

      C-c C-h
  • header

      C-c C-t

Anchors : C-c C-a

  • link:

      C-c C-a l
  • wiki link:

      C-c C-a w

Commands: C-c C-c

  • run markdown

      C-c C-c m
  • preview

    C-c C-c p
  • save, current, preview

      C-c C-c e
  • view

      C-c C-c v

iamge: C-c C-i

  • image

      C-c C-i i

Physical styles: C-c C-p

  • bold

      C-c C-p b
  • fixed width

      C-c C-p f
  • italic

      C-c C-p i

logical styles: C-c C-s

  • quote

      C-c C-s b
  • Code:

      C-c C-s c
  • emphasis

      C-c C-s e
  • strong

      C-c C-s s

Header: C-c C-t n

  • title:

      C-c C-t t
  • section

      C-c C-t s


  • horizontal rule:

      C-c -
C-M-n , C-M-p

second level

indent by four spaces

Pandoc User’s Guide

pandoc -o output.html input.txt
pandoc -f markdown -t latex hello.txt
  • -f = from
  • -t = to
  • -o = output


pandoc test.txt -o test.pdf
  • markdown2pdf

writer options

  • -s : appropriate header and footer
  • –template=FILE :
  • –toc


  • -m
  • –mathml
  • –mathjax


Pandoc Markdown

2 kinds

  • ===
  • ##


four spaces indented


  • ~~~~~~~~~ or `
  • no indent needed

      x <- 3


four spaces rule

  • cut off list : insert comment


pandoc extension

first     set   fsdf     fsdafd
------   ----   ------   ------
afsdf    sff    fsfs       ffff

: test

Grid Tables works

: sample grid table

| Fruit         | Price         | Advantages         |
| Bananas       | $1.34         | - built-in wrapper |
|               |               | - bright color     |
| Oranges       | $2.10         | - cures scurvy     |
|               |               | - tasty            |

| Trend                     | N                  | A    | M    |
| N                         | N,N                | N,A  | N,M  |
| A(additive)               | A,N                | A,A  | A,M  |
| Ad(additive damped)       | Ad,N               | Ad,A | Ad,M |
| M(multiplicative)         | M,N                | M,A  | M,M  |
| Md(multiplicative damped) | Md,N               | Md,A | Md,M |

and can use Emacs table mode

or use orgtbl-mode

and use markdown table generator:

Title block

pandoc extension

% title
% author(s) (separated by semicolons)
% date

Superscripts and subscripts

pandoc extension

 ~2~ and 2^10^


pandoc extension

use double dollar sign


Slides with Pandoc

-i : make slides show incremental
 pandoc -s --mathml -i -t dzslides -o output.html

Image size , center

use absolute directory:

![Bilby Stampede](

embed html in markdown

<div style="float:right"><img src="testtaking.jpg" style="float:right;margin:0 10px 10px 0" width="80%"></div>
This is an image

[alt=center] {
display: block;
margin: auto;

h6 {
font-weight: normal;
text-align: center;



or just begin with four spaces


For latex, insert

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

For figure caption: use fig.cap. Other options can refer reference



Display videos from YouTube

This method works for YouTube videos and any other embed video within an <iframe> tag.

  1. Copy the code below and paste it into your markdown file. Leave a blank line above and below it. Do NOT edit the code block (e.g., remove spaces - the video iframe may not render properly)
  2. Go the video URL you want to display
  3. Click on “Share”, then “Embed”
  4. Copy the <iframe> source (src) URL only, and paste it replacing the src below:
<!-- blank line -->
<figure class="video_container">
  <iframe src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"> </iframe>
<!-- blank line -->

Display local videos (HTML5)

This method works for any video uploaded to somewhere retrievable from the internet from a URL, or from a relative path like path/to/video.mp4.

  1. Read through the w3schools HTML5 video guide, or the MDN <video> guide.
  2. Record or export the video in these three formats to achieve cross-browser and cross-device compatibility: .mp4, .ogg and .webm.
  3. Get the URL for your video
  4. Choose an image to use as a poster
  5. Copy the code below and paste it to your file
  6. Replace the src URLs for your video URLs
<!-- blank line -->
<figure class="video_container">
  <video controls="true" allowfullscreen="true" poster="path/to/poster_image.png">
    <source src="path/to/video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
    <source src="path/to/video.ogg" type="video/ogg">
    <source src="path/to/video.webm" type="video/webm">
<!-- blank line -->


17 June 2012
