Numerical Root Finding Methods


pick tol
x = (a + b)/2
if (abs(f(x)) < tol) : stop
    if (f(x)f(b) < 0) a = x, b = b
	else a = a, b = x
  1. slowest
  2. can only find one
  3. contains singular, then bisection method converges to the singularity
  4. can not fail
  5. tolerance is log_2(epsilon_0/epsilon), where $\epsilon$ is the desired ending tolerance
  6. JMAX = 40
  7. be careful when root is near 0
  8. use bracket to get initial interval


extrapolation or interpolation lines through the two most recently evaluated points, whether or not they bracket the function.

x_k+1 = x_k - (xk - xk_1)/(f(xk) - f(xk_-1)) * f(xk)

False Position

false position method retains the most recent estimate and the next recent one which has an opposite sign in the function value.


x(t+1) = x(t) - f(x(t))/f'(x(t))

requires the derivative

A numerical way:

f'(x) = (f(x + dx) - f(x))/dx


28 March 2013


7 January 2013
