How to add CC license into LaTeX file and how to build LaTeX package


This article will introduce how to add CC into file and how to build your own package.

What is CC

CC is short for Creative Commons, which provides various kinds of licenses. Basically, CC license announces some rights reserved or some perticular rights reserved instead of All rights reserved. On their website, you could customize the license you want, just by clicking some buttons. Convenient html code will be produced.

CC license in slides

However, those codes are only for html, in order to embed CC license into slides, usually beamer slides, I found the following historical, ugly, but ready-eat package cclicenses CTAN. Here is how it works:

put the following code in the preamble,


then follow the instruction in the help pdf for cclicenses package above.

Fortunately, I found this post by Sebastian Pipping.


One thing Sebastian Pipping mentioned is that it is not a real package, thus to be a legitimate lazy man, I modified his package a little and built this ccbeamer package.

How to make your own package

Referring to this web page, I did as follows:

  1. Rename Sebastian’s ccbeamer.tex to ccbeamer.sty (used to put all your command into .sty file)

  2. For your distribution, (mine is TeXlive 2009) , find where packages are installed. (mine is usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-dist/tex/latex)

  3. make directory, and put creative commons and ccbeamer.sty in.

  4. use texhash to refresh your database.

so if you download my modified ccbeamer package, what you need to do is just to extract the zip file into where your packages are installed, and refresh the database, put


in your preamble.

For more options, read the ccbeamer.sty file.


28 October 2012
